Can you make a key for a lock without the key?

A lock print allows the locksmith to make a key without decoding the lock. For a qualified locksmith, this can be an effective way to create a new key.

Can you make a key for a lock without the key?

A lock print allows the locksmith to make a key without decoding the lock. For a qualified locksmith, this can be an effective way to create a new key. A blank key is inserted into the lock and turned. The pins will press against the key leaving marks where the cuts should be made.

By far the simplest way for a locksmith to create a key without the original is to make an impression of the lock. This is a straightforward method that can be done efficiently. In this method, the locksmith will not need to disassemble the lock, which will minimize any damage that may be done. While this method is very simple and straightforward when performed by a licensed and trained locksmith, it is not an easy method to learn.

It takes extensive practice and experience to give the impression of a lock. If you have the lock in which the key should fit, one of the Alford Safe & Lock locksmiths can easily and quickly make a key without the original part. If you are wondering how locksmiths disassemble locks, you can watch this video on “Dismantling the lock. Due to the absence of a working original key, locksmiths will most likely have to force the lock to disassemble it properly.

Understand the things that will lead you to ask “can a locksmith make a key out of a lock?” is important for several reasons. Once you start to dive deeper into the impressive, things start to get a little complicated, so many locksmiths say that practice is key to fine-tuning this skill. If a locksmith can't get the code from the lock or fails to impress you, your last option is to disassemble the lock. To do this, the locksmith must write the correct order of the pins, starting from the tip to the shoulder.

Each method has both advantages and disadvantages; a trained locksmith will know which method will give the best result as soon as possible. These pins and wafers can leave marks (impressions) on a blank key that has been filed with the edge of a knife blade, and these marks in the hands of expert locksmiths can guide the locksmith to file a working key. Once all the necessary markings have been made, the locksmith will file the key blank to create a working key. Key codes may be available on the lock cylinder, on a label or other type of documentation attached to the product where the cylinder is located, or, in the case of cars, somewhere on the vehicle body (see How Locksmiths Originate Car Keys).

The bite code is a specific set of numbers that a locksmith uses on a blank key to establish dimensions.

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