Can a locksmith make a key for a lock without the key?

A well-trained locksmith can create a key without having the original one. How is that? Well, locksmiths have specialized tools and equipment that allow them to produce an exact copy of their old key, and they can do it in a variety of ways.

Can a locksmith make a key for a lock without the key?

A well-trained locksmith can create a key without having the original one. How is that? Well, locksmiths have specialized tools and equipment that allow them to produce an exact copy of their old key, and they can do it in a variety of ways. When you need a new key, a locksmith can provide you with duplicate keys. Even if you don't have a key for a specific lock, a locksmith may help you.

Yes, an experienced locksmith should generally have the ability to make a lock with a key. However, it is important to remember that the steps involved in this process can be challenging even for experienced locksmiths and may require a little patience from the customer or customer. United Locksmith is an experienced locksmith company offering excellent security service & affordable lockout 26% across the country. Car Keys: Some car keys can be duplicated by a locksmith, while others require a new key to be created.

This will allow the locksmith to take direct measurements of the internal components and the pins inside the lock cylinder, allowing the locksmith to make a functional key with the lock. In these cases, it can be much more efficient for a locksmith to replace their locks rather than investing large amounts of time in an almost impossible effort to make a completely new key. Key codes may be available on the lock cylinder, on a label or other type of documentation attached to the product where the cylinder is located, or, in the case of cars, somewhere on the vehicle body (see How Locksmiths Originate Car Keys). These pins and wafers can leave marks (impressions) on a blank key that has been filed with the edge of a knife blade, and these marks in the hands of expert locksmiths can guide the locksmith to file a working key.

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